
Over the years our attorneys and staff have collected millions-upon-millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. We feel good about our practice. We know that collecting legitimate debts helps keep prices low in America. Our clients have included some of the biggest collection agencies, debt buyers and retail establishments in the United States. We are also proud to collect on behalf of certain small businesses.

I have just received a collections notice or have been served with a lawsuit

What should I do?

We would like to help you. If you wish, you can pay on your account on-line, 24 hours per day, by clicking the button below. Otherwise please call us at 801-305-1668 orĀ go to our FAQ section. Federal law requires us to inform you that this is an attempt to collect a debt and any information used will be used for that purpose.

Make A Payment

Consumer Collections

We are skilled at collecting monies before a lawsuit is filed. However, oftentimes, it is necessary to enlist the assistance of the courts. We understand the court process. We realize that “time is money” to our clients -and- our experience, along with our processes, enable us to collect our clients’ money efficiently.

Most people can relate to being short on money and in debt. We understand that most consumer debtors are great people who are going through a rough time. As such, we treat each debtor with respect. We follow all debt collection laws.

We have the ability to collect in a large part of the United States. Please call us to learn more about our geographical footprint.

Commercial Collections

Commercial collection accounts are created when a business owes money to another business. Different regulations as well as different strategies apply to commercial account collections. We effectively handle commercial accounts for certain clients. Contact us to find out if we can handle your commercial accounts.